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OPPO and Xiaomi Sued by Panasonic at UPC for Patent Infringement


Panasonic has filed seven infringement claims at the Unified Patent Court (UPC) against OPPO and Xiaomi last week, marking the first major dispute over mobile communications and SEPs at the UPC since the court was launched on June, according to information revealed at the UPC website. The patents in disputes involve EP 2 584 854, EP 2 207 270, EP 2 568 724, and EP 3 096 315, four standard essential patents( SEPs) involving 4G technology. It is also reported that with these seven lawsuits, ten of approximately 25 infringement claims at the UPC now concern SEPs, the other three being Philips enforcing three patents against Belkin in the first few days after the court’s launch.

Source:China Intellectual Property 

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